1. Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States.
Agrarian urbanisation has gathered pace and intensity in the last few decades after economic liberalisation in India. A faster rate of economic growth has exacerbated the extraction of rural natural resources to supply increased urban demands. At the same time, rural landscapes have been transformed by expanded infrastructure, new industrial ventures, conservation projects and urban sprawl. These processes have been mediated by shifting patterns of caste power and political mobilisation. However, they also seem to have exacerbated social inequality while making historically marginalised groups such as Dalits and Adivasis suffer greater dispossession and livelihood precarity. Case studies from different regions of India reveal both the socio-economic dynamics of regional variation in these broad outcomes of agrarian urbanism, and the cross-regional patterns of environmental degradation, exacerbated inequality and difficulties faced by agrarian society in reproducing itself as an integral part of Indian prosperity and progress.