1. NB: For the purposes of this reference list, ‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China’ has been abbreviated to ‘MOFAPRC’
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3. ABC. 2022. Chinese leader Xi Jinping says ‘colour revolutions’ must be prevented at summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 16 September. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-17/china-leader-xi-jinping-colour-revolutions-must-be-prevented/101450704
4. Adlakha, H. 2022. From China with love: Xi’s birthday call to Putin. The Diplomat, 22 June. https://thediplomat.com/2022/06/from-china-with-love-xis-birthday-call-to-putin/
5. Akimoto, D. 2022. Japan’s new Diplomatic Bluebook: Revised by the Russia-Ukraine war. The Diplomat, 25 April. https://thediplomat.com/2022/04/japans-new-diplomatic-bluebook-revised-by-the-russia-ukraine-war/