The main purpose of this study is to reveal to what extent the measurement practices prepared for verbal production and interaction skills in the “Altay I am Learning Turkish A1 book” overlap with the acquisitions of the in the Ministry of National Education Turkish Teaching as a Foreign Language Program (2020). The speaking skill, which is part of the narrative skills among the fundamental language skills, is divided into two categories in the book: oral production and oral interaction skills. In the Ministry of National Education (2020), the speaking skill is addressed under two subheadings as oral production and oral interaction skills. In this research, the achievements in the Turkish as a Foreign Language Teaching Program, which were prepared in accordance with the modern language teaching approach in collaboration between the Ministry of National Education and Maarif Foundation in 2020, are considered as the benchmark. The research is qualitative and descriptive in nature. The measurement applications for oral production and oral interaction in the Altay Turkish I'm Learning A1 book were examined and interpreted using the document analysis technique. According to the results obtained from the research findings, it is observed that the measurement applications in the book align closely with the achievements of the Ministry of National Education Turkish as a Foreign Language Teaching Program.
Sinirsiz Egitim ve Arastirma Dergisi
Cell Biology,Developmental Biology,Embryology,Anatomy
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