1. SIA (2015) 2052: Ultra-Hochleistungs-Faserbeton (UHFB) – Baustoffe. Bemessung und Ausführung, Zürich
2. ASTM (2017) C1856/C1856M–17: standard practice for fabricating and testing specimens of ultra-high performance concrete. West Conshohocken, PA
3. Yanagida R, Nakamura T, Kono K, Niwa J (2017) Mechanical properties of fibre reinforced pore free concrete with high strength matrix above 400 MPa. Paper presented at the AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM international symposium on ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete UHPFRC 2017, Montpellier, France
4. Ricciotti R, Pastor F, Hajar Z, Bernardi S (2017) La Republique bridge in Monpellier. Paper presented at the AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM international conference on ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete UHPFRC 2017, Montpellier, France
5. Henry KA, Heany CW (2017) Industrialized production of thin rainscreen cladding in UHPC. Paper presented at the AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM international symposium on ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete UHPFRC 2017 Montpellier, France