Mind Maps in the Modern Educational Process: Advantages, Functions, Visualization Principles and Design Tools


Nazarova O. V.1,Nazarov A. V.1


1. Kuban State University


The peculiarities of information perception by modern schoolchildren and students stimulate the pedagogical community to introduce new ways of presenting educational information. This article attempts to show the effectiveness of such a popular visual thinking technique as mind maps for the process of visualization and correction of perception of educational content and to analyze the software of this process. The authors have identified methodological and theoretical grounds for the use of mind maps in the educational process and presented their extended typologization. The article demonstrates the results of approbation of mind maps in the study of one of the topics of the discipline “Computer Workshop” with first-year students of the Faculty of Economics. The authors of the article consider the development of an algorithm for training neural networks to build mental maps taking into account the identified needs, the type of mind maps and the context of visualization as prospects for further research


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

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