Professional psychological well-being of educators and features of their support in the current crisis conditions


Bondarchuk OlenaORCID,Pinchuk NataliiaORCID


The article presents the essence, indicators, and factors of the professional psychological well-being of educators. The expediency of studying the phenomenon of professional psychological well-being of educators based on the eudanomic approach, according to which the phenomenon as a result of a person's experience of successes or achievements in the professional sphere is an important component of the psychological well-being of the individual as a whole, is substantiated. Based on the model of psychological well-being of K. Riff, modified taking into account the specifics of the professional activity of educators, indicators of their professional psychological well-being are determined (self-acceptance as a specialist in the field of education; professional and personal growth; goals of professional activity and development; positive relations with other subjects of educational activity; management of the educational environment; professional self-determination and autonomy, etc.). Three groups of factors of the professional psychological well-being of educators have been characterized at the macro- (levels of society), meso- (levels of the educational organization) and micro-levels (levels of individuals). Specific features of psychological support for the professional psychological well-being of educators in today's crisis conditions, caused by the state of war, at the level of management of an educational organization, the level of professional interaction, and the level of personality are determined. The prospects of further study of the professional psychological well-being of educators in the empirical plane are outlined.


Kiev Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy


General Medicine

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