1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
Introduction. Psychological and pedagogical support for the professionalization of a teacher should be based on modern knowledge in the development of pedagogical abilities. The most popular strategy for studying abilities is still the analytical approach, which does not allow to consider abilities as a holistic, continuously developing psychological education. The purpose of the article is to present the results of research into the development of the psychological system of pedagogical abilities of students – future primary school teachers in the context of continuous pedagogical education at secondary school, pedagogical college and pedagogical university.
Materials and Methods. The survey involved 201 subjects, including students of the pedagogical class (n = 15), students of the vocational pedagogical college (n = 82), students of the pedagogical university (n = 104). In order to study the psychological system of pedagogical abilities, test methods, questionnaires, self-assessment scales, as well as an analysis of indicators of academic performance were used. The analysis of the psychological system of abilities was made by using systemic indices (coherence, divergence, organization), assessing the homogeneity/ heterogeneity of structures, identifying the basic and leading components of the system.
Results. The uneven development of the psychological system of pedagogical abilities at different levels of pedagogical education was shown. It has been established that the development of the system of pedagogical abilities during the period of study at school, college and university cannot be characterized as continuous. Students of the pedagogical class are characterized by a higher organization of the ability system than those in college and university; for college students – their continuous restructuring and a decrease in organization by the end of their studies; for university students – a more stable and progressively developing system of abilities. Qualitative differences in the structural organization of the system are determined by the different contributions of the types of abilities (individual, subjective, personal) to its functioning and achievement of academic results. The organization of the system of abilities of schoolchildren is largely determined by the abilities of an individual, college students – by the abilities of a subject of activity and personality, university students – by the abilities of an individual.
Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions formulated in the research paper serve the basis for the organization of special activities on the purposeful formation of the system of pedagogical abilities in the conditions of continuous pedagogical education.
Russian Science Foundation
National Research Mordovia State University MRSU
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2 articles.