Substantiation of programs for hygienic training on prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the eye and adnexa


Khorosheva IV1


1. Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia


The impact of modern factors of educational environment and extracurricular factors results in the risk of the development and progression of functional impairment and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the diseases of the eye and adnexa in students. The study was aimed to substantiate the programs of hygienic education in terms of compliance with hygienic recommendations on prevention of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the eye and adnexa based on the analysis of scientific papers. The review of studies conducted in 2011–2023 by the Russian and foreign experts that were focused on the impact of the educational environmental factors and the daily routine components on the students’ health status was performed using the E-Library, PubMed, Web of Science electronic databases. The impact of such risk factors, as irrational daily routine organization, on the health of students attending general schools, professional and higher educational institutions has been shown. The risk of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the eye and adnexa resulting from the excess stay in digital environment, lack of physical activity, irrational leisure time organization has been assessed. It is necessary to develop the hygienic training programs involving teachers, lecturers and parents to prevent the effects of the risk factors for disorders of the mysculoskeletal system and the eye and adnexa.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,Ocean Engineering,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine

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