Contributions of certain lifestyle factors to health status of contemporary schoolchildren


Medvedeva NYu1,Gunina SV1,Urtenova AYu1


1. Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia


Healthy lifestyle is one of the factors determining the human health status. The study was aimed to estimate the contributions of certain lifestyle factors to the health status of the ninth-grade students attending school in Voronezh. During the study special attention was paid to the key role of school and family in shaping the school student's strive for healthy lifestyle. The questionnaire survey carried out under conditions that precluded discussion without time limit was used as the main method. Nutrition, motor activity, personal hygiene, daily routine, and harmful habits are highlighted among the studied lifestyle components. The crucial role of such lifestyle factors, as nutrition and motor activity has been proven. The lifestyle differences between girls and boys have been revealed. Analysis of the data obtained has made it possible to find out that the main risk factors in the group of school students with the almost healthy lifestyle are malnutrition in boys and reduced motor activity in girls. Furthermore, in school students, whose lifestyle is associated with health risks, all the lifestyle components can be considered as risk factors, regardless of the child's gender.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Aerospace Engineering,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Computer Science,General Medicine,General Arts and Humanities,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine

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