1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
2. Dolgoprudny Gymnasium, Dolgoprudny, Russia
The issue of students’ health promotion is prioritized against the background of preserved high incidence of school-associated nosologies, occurrence of new risk factors that determine a change in the daily schedule and lifestyle, and intensification of an educational process. The implemented system of hygienic control over the valid risk factors is deprived of effectiveness due to its irrational use associated with insignificant motivation of educational process participants for its practical implementation. The purpose of this research is to examine awareness of the teachers during 20-year-long observation of dynamics while obtaining hygienic education on the issues of schoolchildren health protection. 36 and 50 teachers were included into the research in 2000 and 2021, respectively. Inclusion criteria were as follows: gymnasium teacher, time interval, properly completed questionnaire, availability of voluntary informed consent. Exclusion criteria included another professional group and place of employment, another time interval, lack of properly completed questionnaire, no voluntary informed consent. The gymnasium teachers were questioned during a dynamic study and obtained hygienic education on the issue of schoolchildren health protection. Statistica 13 PL pack was used. An increased level of teachers’ awareness during sanitary and educational work, formation of healthy lifestyle skills and reduction of a number of teachers (from 33.3% in 2000 to 10.2% in 2021) not promoting their health were noted. This results in improved effectiveness of preventive activities at educational institutions.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Engineering,General Computer Science,General Engineering,General Medicine
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