Devrishov Ruslan1, Skoblina Natalya2, Khorosheva Irina1, Kudryasheva Irina A1, Selina Elena3, Metelkina Elena3, Kuzmina Victoria3, Barskova Natalia4
1. Astrakhan State Medical University 2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 3. Regional Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention 4. Military Unit 64080
Preservation and strengthening of children and adolescents' health is one of the most important direc-tions of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Purpose of the study: to assess the effectiveness of hygiene education techniques to prevent adverse effects of out-of-school factors on the health of schoolchildren. Materials and methods: In the dynamics from 2017 to 2019 in three educational or-ganizations of Astrakhan the hygienic education of schoolchildren and their parents was carried out. The influence of extracurricular factors on schoolchildren's health was assessed on the basis of a risk-based model. A total of 1940 Astrakhan schoolchildren aged 7–17 (878 boys and 1062 girls) partici-pated in the questionnaire-based survey. The data was statistically processed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: A cause-effect relationship was found to be 95,0 %, RR = 6,40, CI = 4,92–8.33, the etiological component was 67,5 %, sensitivity was 0,889, specificity was 0,778. There was a caus-al relationship between occurrence of myopia and failure to perform eye exercises by school children at home, 95,0 %, RR = 1,80, CI = 1,52–2,15, etiological component 26,7 %, sensitivity 0,750, speci-ficity 0,500. A causal relationship was found between the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders and the use of shoes that did not meet hygienic recommendations, including those outside educational institutions – 95,0 %, RR = 1,75, CI = 1,50–2,00, etiological component 25,0 %, sensitivity – 0,700, specificity – 0,500. Within the framework of the conducted activities short recommendations – check-lists on the rational organization of the day and nutrition, motor activity, night sleep and leisure time organization were formulated. The information was also presented to the parents of the schoolchil-dren. Conclusion. Identification of intra-school and extra-school factors, establishment of cause-effect relationships and evaluation of possible adverse effects, will make it possible to develop relevant techniques of hygiene education, which will contribute to preservation
Astrakhan State Medical University
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