Solar Driven Photocatalysis – an Efficient Method for Removal of Pesticides from Water and Wastewater



Owing to extensive agricultural activity, the growth of the agrochemical sector has expanded substantially over the last several decades. The use of pesticides has raised significantly for recent years as farming practices have become very demanding. Pollution of water bodies has become widespread and detracting due to the accumulation of pesticides. The standard biological treatment based on microorganism action is not a suitable technique in the processing of pesticides present in water due to their contamination even at extremely low levels. Scientists have adopted various measures to decontaminate water and introduced other methods for pesticide abatement. The efficient and fruitful methodology of photocatalytic degradation is because of the advantage of its total mineralization and not its delegate transformation. So as to utilize practical, protected, and green science innovation, photocatalytic debasement of pesticides as an imaginative technique for future examinations, comprehension of the middle of the road arrangement, corruption pathway, biodegradability, and natural maintainability is required. The aim of the review is to present several technologies based on the solar-driven photocatalytic removal of pesticides from different waters.


AMG Transcend Association


Molecular Biology,Molecular Medicine,Biochemistry,Biotechnology







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