Pelvic bone defects and possibilities of their replacement


Timofeev K. A.1ORCID


1. Ural State Medical University


In the work the review of actual literature sources concerning modern methods of treatment of osteochondral injuries was carried out, the features of anatomical and physiological structure of the talus, features of its blood supply were considered, etiological factors of formation of osteochondral injuries of the talus were presented, the high prevalence of ankle joint ligament apparatus injuries all over the world was noted. On the basis of the articles studied, topical problems of diagnostics and treatment of aseptic necrosis of the talus block and dissecting osteochondritis of the ankle joint were noted. The method of mosaic autochondroplasty of bone-cartilage graft is described, its differences from alternative methods with the use of allograft or juvenile cartilage graft are noted, and the features of all described methods are noted. Ceramic material based on lanthanum zirconate showing high osteointegrative properties is presented, which has been suggested for promising research in the field of osteochondral replacements.


Ural State Medical University

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