Factors Associated with Academic Achievements of Students in Mathematics


Ullah Kaleem,Badshah Sareer,Rauf Muhammad


This study is conducted to find out the factors which are associated with students’ academic achievements in the subject of mathematics in different higher education institutions which are based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The data is collected through a structured questionnaire from Bachelor of Studies (BS) 5th semester program of all the academic departments of well-known government educational institutions of Peshawar. All academic departments, except the departments of mathematics were selected, especially where the subject of mathematics is taught as compulsory or general course to the undergraduate students.  The collected data is analysed on SPSS-20. For the analysis purpose mean, standard deviation, T-test, chi-square, and odd ratios are used. The results show that earlier performance such as primary level, attitude toward mathematics, difficulty of mathematics, study hours and self-confidence in mathematics learning are associated with students’ academic achievement in mathematics.



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