Design Of A Web-Based Membership Data Processing System At Vizta Gym Using A Prototype Method




Vizta Gym is a fitness center with a modern, clean, comfortable concept and complete facilities. Vizta Gym, which is present in several places in busy centers or malls in Medan City, also makes it easier for its members to carry out physical fitness sports activities wherever the Vizta Gym branch is located. However, the member verification process is still an obstacle. Someone who activates a member at one Vizta Gym branch and wants to do sports activities at another Vizta Gym branch must be verified manually. Apart from that, members often forget the sports schedule that has been prepared or planned in advance and the member's active deadline. The aim of this research is to build a Vizta Gym membership data processing system using the prototype method and unified modeling language. The system that has been designed and built has succeeded in running well, making it easy for system administrators to process fitness training data and making it easy for members to find out information on training schedules and transactions.


CV Hawari

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