Searching for the Elusive Cold-Type Occluded Front


Schultz David M.1,Antonescu Bogdan1,Chiariello Alessandro2


1. Centre for Atmospheric Science, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

2. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland


Abstract According to the Norwegian cyclone model, whether a warm-type or cold-type occluded front forms depends upon which cold air mass is colder: the prewarm-frontal air mass or the postcold-frontal air mass. For example, a cold-type occlusion is said to occur when the occluded front slopes rearward with height because the prewarm-frontal air mass is warmer than the postcold-frontal air mass. This temperature difference and the resulting occluded-frontal structure in the Norwegian cyclone model is part of what is called the temperature rule. Paradoxically, no clear example of a rearward-sloping, cold-type occluded front has been found in the literature, even though the required temperature difference has been documented in several cases. This article presents the first documented, rearward-sloping, cold-type occluded front. This occluded front forms in a cyclone over the North Atlantic Ocean on 3–5 January 2003 and is documented in model output from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Cross sections through the evolving cyclone show the occluded front forms as the less statically stable warm-frontal zone ascends over the more stable cold-frontal zone. Such a stability difference between the cold- and warm-frontal zones is consistent with a previously published hypothesis that the less stable air is lifted by the more stable air to form occluded fronts, in disagreement with the temperature rule. Because warm-frontal zones and the cold air underneath tend to be more stable than cold-frontal zones and the postcold-frontal air, warm-type occluded fronts are much more common than cold-type occluded fronts, explaining why well-defined, rearward-sloping, cold-type occluded fronts are not common in the meteorological literature.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

Reference31 articles.

1. On the structure of moving cyclones;Bjerknes;Geofys. Publ.,1919

2. Investigations of selected European cyclones by means of serial ascents;Bjerknes;Geofys. Publ.,1935

3. Meteorological conditions for the formation of rain;Bjerknes;Geophys. Publ.,1921

4. Life cycle of cyclones and the polar front theory of atmospheric circulation;Bjerknes;Geofys. Publ.,1922







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