1. a School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
2. b Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
AbstractIn an effort to improve radar data assimilation configurations for potential operational implementation, GSI EnKF data assimilation experiments based on the operational system employed by the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS) real-time Spring Forecast Experiments are performed. These experiments are followed by 6-h forecasts for an MCS on 28–29 May 2017. Configurations examined include data thinning, covariance localization radii and inflation, observation error settings, and data assimilation frequency for radar observations. The results show experiments that assimilate radar observations more frequently (i.e., 5–10 min) are initially better at suppressing spurious convection. However, assimilating observations every 5 min causes spurious convection to become more widespread with time, and modestly degrades forecast skill through the remainder of the forecast window. Ensembles that assimilate more observations with less thinning of data or use a larger horizontal covariance localization radius for radar data predict fewer spurious storms and better predict the location of observed storms. Optimized data thinning and horizontal covariance localization radii have positive impacts on forecast skill during the first forecast hour that are quickly lost due to the growth of forecast error. Forecast skill is less sensitive to the ensemble spread inflation factors and observation errors tested during this study. These results provide guidance toward optimizing the configuration of the GSI EnKF system. Among the DA configurations tested, the one employed by the CAPS Spring Forecast Experiment produces the most skilled forecasts while remaining computationally efficient for real-time use.
American Meteorological Society