1. a Earth System Science Center, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama
Time series of snowfall observations from over 500 stations in Oregon (OR) and Washington (WA) were generated for subregions of these states. Data problems encountered were as follows: 1) monthly totals in printed reports prior to 1940 that were not in the digital archive, 2) archived data listed as “missing” that were available, 3) digitized reports after 2010 eliminated good data, and 4) “zero” totals incorrectly entered in the official archive rather than “missing,” especially after 1980. Though addressing these was done, there is reduced confidence that some regional time series are representative of true long-term trends, especially for regions with few systematically reporting stations. For most regions characterized by consistent monitoring and with the most robust statistical reproducibility, we find no statistically significant trends in their periods of record (up to 131 years) for November–April seasonal totals through April 2020. This result includes the main snowfall regions of the Cascade Range. However, snowfall in some lower-elevation areas of OR and WA appear to have experienced declining trends, consistent with an increase in northeastern Pacific Ocean temperatures. Finally, previously constructed time series through April 2011 for regions in California are updated through April 2020 to include the recent, exceptionally low seasonal totals on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. This update indicates 2014/15 was the record lowest, 2013/14 was the 5th lowest, and 2012/13 was the 14th lowest of 142 years. Even so, the 1879–2020 linear trend in this key watershed region, though −2.6% decade−1, was not significantly different from zero due to high interannual variability and reconstruction uncertainty.
American Meteorological Society