1. National Center for Atmospheric Research,* Boulder, Colorado
2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
3. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
Measurements are presented that were acquired from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) DC-8 aircraft during an intensive 3-day study of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Humberto on 22, 23, and 24 September 2001. Particle size distributions, particle image information, vertical velocities, and single- and dual-wavelength Doppler radar observations were obtained during repeated sampling of the eyewall and outer eye regions. Eyewall sampling temperatures ranged from −22° to −57°C and peak updraft velocities from 4 to 15 m s−1.
High concentrations of small ice particles, in the order 50 cm−3 and above, were observed within and around the updrafts. Aggregates, some larger than 7 mm, dominated the larger sizes. The slope of the fitted exponential size distributions λ was distinctly different close to the eye than outside of that region. Even at low temperatures, λ was characteristic of warm temperature growth (λ < 30 cm−1) close to the eye and characteristic of low temperature growth outside of it as well (λ > 100 cm−1).
The two modes found for λ are shown to be consistent with observations from nonhurricane ice cloud layers formed through deep convection, but differ markedly from ice cloud layers generated in situ. It is shown that the median, mass-weighted, terminal velocities derived for the Humberto data and from the other datasets are primarily a function of λ.
Microphysical measurements and dual wavelength radar observations are used together to infer and interpret particle growth processes. Rain in the lower portions of the eyewall extended up to the 6- or 7-km level. In the outer eye regions, aggregation progressed downward from between 8.5 and 11.9 km to the melting layer, with some graupel noted in rainbands. Homogeneous ice nucleation is implicated in the high concentrations of small ice particles observed in the vicinity of the updrafts.
American Meteorological Society
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