Climate Model State Estimation Using Variants of EnKF Coupled Data Assimilation


Sandery Paul A.1,O’Kane Terence J.1,Kitsios Vassili1,Sakov Pavel2


1. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

2. Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Abstract Data assimilation (DA) experiments are performed to assess impacts of observations in climate model state estimation through the cross-domain ocean–atmosphere forecast error covariances (cross covariances). Specifically, we explore strongly and weakly coupled DA variants using the Climate Analysis Forecast Ensemble (CAFE) system. This comprises 96 ensemble members of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) CM2.1 climate model assimilating observational data from the ocean, atmosphere, and sea ice realms with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). Sequences of atmospheric synoptic time-scale coupled forecasts (7 days) are carried out with model consistent initialization. Unassimilated forward-independent observations are used to quantify forecast innovation error-growth rates. The results show benefit for the slow components of the atmosphere and ocean subsurface when strongly coupling ocean observations to the atmosphere. In the present system, projecting fast atmospheric observations onto the ocean subsurface through the cross covariances benefits the oceanic and atmospheric near-surface layers; however, this leads to deterioration in the ocean subsurface. Particular variants of coupled DA are able to constrain the ocean and atmosphere. The forecasts initialized with these variants have predictability at intraseasonal time scales. Errors associated with the dominant intraseasonal mode of variability, the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), are decomposed into normal mode functions. Consistent with recent studies showing large MJO events are concurrent with rapid error growth associated with nonlinear interactions, we find a clear relationship between the strength of a given MJO event and the related forecast innovations. Our results demonstrate consistent system behavior in relation to capturing real-world disturbances that affect climate predictability.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

Reference64 articles.







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