Dispositional goals and academic achievement: Refining the 2x2 achievement goal model


Smith Daniel,Oliver Emily


Achievement goal theory (AGT) is widely used to examine the influences of goal adoption on academic and sporting achievement. Striving for methodological coherence with AGT’s ever expanding scope (Korn & Elliot, 2016), we examined the 2x2 framework and propose a refined model outlining the theoretical differences between achievement goal orientations. Building on Van Yperen’s concept of a dominant achievement goal approach we developed and tested a method of representing a dominant dispositional achievement goal (DDAG). The construct symbolises preference for one achievement goal while recognising that multiple achievement goals can be valued in a dispositional orientation. Finally, we measured the relationship between dispositional achievement goals, including work-avoidance goals and the DDAG, and academic performance of 165 university students. Contrary to expectations, mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performanceapproach and performance-avoidance positively correlated with academic grade, although approach goals predicted performance more strongly than avoidance goals. Consistent with previous studies of pharmacy students, work-avoidance negatively predicted academic grade. However, although the DDAG successfully captured dominant goal distribution, scores did not predict academic attainment. We argue for the application of consistent conceptualisations of AGT to clarify the role of achievement goals in promoting learning and academic performance to inform educational practice in sport and exercise psychology.


British Psychological Society








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