1. NYU Cardiovascular Research Center, The Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, New York University Grossman School of Medicine (M. Schlegel, M. Sharma, E.J.B., A.A.C.N., Y.C., M.S.A., E.M.C., G.J.K., C.v.S., J.G., R.F., C.A.N., L.C.S., D.P., E.A.F., K.J.M.).
2. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Technical University of Munich, School of Medicine, Germany (M. Schlegel).
3. Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, New York University (A.M.S.). K.J. Moore, M. Schlegel, M. Sharma, A.M. Schmidt, and E.A. Fisher designed the study and performed data analysis and interpretation. M. Schlegel, M. Sharma, M.S. Afonso, E.J. Brown, E.M. Corr, C. van Solingen, G.J. Koelwyn, A.A.C. Newman, Y. Cyr, R. Farhat, J. Guzman, L.C. Shanley, and D. Peled conducted experiments, acquired data, and performed analyses. E.J. Brown analyzed the RNA-sequencing...