1. From the Physiopathology and Imaging of Neurological Disorders (PhIND), INSERM, INSERM UMR-S U1237, Normandie University, UNICAEN, Caen, France (M.G., S.M.d.L., D.V.)
2. Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology (M.G.), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Caen, CHU Caen Côte de Nacre, France
3. Department of Stroke Center, Foch Hospital, University of Versailles and Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Suresnes, France (B.L.)
4. Department of Clinical Research (D.V.), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Caen, CHU Caen Côte de Nacre, France
5. Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, INSERM U1116, CIC-P1433 (S.R.), University Hospital of Nancy, France
6. Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (S.B., B.G.), University Hospital of Nancy, France
7. Imagerie Adaptative Diagnostique et Interventionnelle (IADI), INSERM U1254, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France (S.B., B.G.)
8. Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France (M.P.).