Background. Functional outcome in patients after cardiovascular, cerebral or traumatic injuries often remains unfavorable, what needs long rehabilitation and care.
Aims. Optimization of chronically critically ill patients treatment using selective craniocerebral hypothermia added to a standard intensive care.
Methods. Use of craniocerebral therapeutic hypothermia device ATG-01 has greater clinical efficacy in mortality rate, CRS-R rate and modified Rankin scale rate, as well as decrease in disability rate. Treatment algorithm with the use of craniocerebral hypothermia device ATG-01 has greater efficacy in cost- effectiveness analysis.
Results. Methods of multipositional SHF- radiothermometry and thermomonitoring, as well as non-invasive craniocerebral hypothermia used in chronically critically ill patients for the first time. Results of our research have showed high efficacy of these methods and let us optimistically estimate the perspective to involve CCH in rehabilitation interventions of such patients.
Conclusion. Our results can be used in Intensive Care Units of different medical institutions that provide healthcare to patients with brain damage and common central nervous system diseases that outcome to low level of consciousness.
Federal Research and Clinical Center for Resuscitation and Rehabilitation
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