1. Institute of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Silesia, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
2. § Special collection papers can be found online at
3. Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1+3, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
4. Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
A new mineral, gismondine-Sr with ordered gismondine framework type [B2212 no. 20, Z = 1; a = 14.0256(2) Å, b = 10.45900(10) Å, c = 13.79360(10) Å, V = 2023.44(4) Å3] and the ideal chemical formula Sr4(Si8Al8O32)·9H2O was discovered in amygdaloidal voids of partly melted gehlenite hornfels at Halamish locality, Hatrurim Basin of the Hatrurim Complex, Negev Desert, Israel. Gehlenite horn-fels is mainly composed of gehlenite, wollastonite, and garnet of the grossular-andradite-schorlomite series. In a low-temperature association occur minerals such as thomsonite-Ca, flörkeite, analcime and minerals of the tobermorite supergroup. Gismondine-Sr forms spherulitic aggregates up to 180 μm and, rarely, pseudotetragonal bipyramidal crystals up to 50 μm. Empirical crystal-chemical formula of gismondine-Sr is (Sr2.02Ca1.09Ba0.02K0.72Na0.62)Σ4.47Al7.91Si8.09O31.85·9H2O. It is the strontium analog of gismondine-Ca and the second orthorhombic zeolite with the GIS structure topology. Crystals are transparent to translucent and feature vitreous luster. The mineral exhibits a white color, imperfect cleavage in [101] direction, a brittle tenacity, and uneven fracture. The Mohs hardness was estimated at approximately 4. Gismondine-Sr is biaxial negative, α = 1.488(3), β = 1.492(3), γ = 1.495(3), 2Vobs = 70–80°. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a band at 465 cm−1, which is also the main band in gismondine-Ca. The structure refinement using SC-XRD (R1 = 0.0353) reveals the ordered distribution of framework cations and the disordered arrangement of extraframework cations. The aluminosilicate framework is built by crankshaft chains with 8-membered apertures channels parallel to [101] and [101]. In gismondine-Sr, the 8-membered rings are elliptically deformed and the T-O-T angle of the upward and downward tetrahedra in the double crankshaft chains is smaller compared to that for gismondine-Ca. Consequently, a slight rotation of the double crankshaft chains has been noticed. Similar observations have been made in partially dehydrated and the pressure-modified gismondine-Ca. The present study suggests that, in addition to high-pressure and dehydration, the elliptical deformation of the channels in GIS also arises as a consequence of the extraframework cations and H2O content. Thus, the extraframework content influences the aluminosilicate framework leading to the orthorhombic symmetry.
Mineralogical Society of America
Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics
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5 articles.