Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) seek to quantify associations between traits/exposures and DNA methylation measured at thousands or millions of CpG sites across the genome. In recent years, the increase in availability of DNA methylation measures in population-based cohorts and case-control studies has resulted in a dramatic expansion of the number of EWAS being performed and pub-lished. To make this rich source of results more accessible, we have manually curated a database of CpG-trait associations (with p<1x10-4) from published EWAS, each assaying over 100,000 CpGs in at least 100 individuals. From 2021-01-29, The EWAS Catalog contained 1,045,303 associations from over 1000 EWAS. This includes 652,530 associations from 264 peer-reviewed publications. In addi-tion, it also contains summary statistics for 392,773 associations from 428 EWAS, performed in data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and the Gene Expression Om-nibus (GEO). The database is accompanied by a web-based tool and R package, giving researchers the opportunity to quickly and easily query EWAS associations and gain insight into the molecular under-pinnings of disease as well as the impact of traits and exposures on the DNA methylome. The EWAS Catalog is available at: http://www.ewascatalog.org.