Promotion of Intellectual Activity Results of Scientific Organizations. An Assessment of Potential Demand


Ganieva Irina1,Shepelev Gennady1


1. Research and Academic Centre “Kuzbass”, Kemerovo, Russia


The article examines the markets of intellectual activity results (IAR) in Russia. We have conducted an analysis of the costs of innovation activities in terms of the purchase of IAR and R&D in the economy as a whole and in the industrial production sector as the largest one in the context of acquiring IAR. It is shown that the scale of costs for IAR is about 1% of the total expenditures on innovation and has tended to increase in recent years. The costs of purchasing IAR by industry are analyzed; it is shown that the largest amount of expenditures falls on the sphere of industrial production. In this area, the share of IAR acquisition costs is higher than in the economy as a whole and averages 1.5%. We consider the share of IAR purchases from external suppliers. In general, 54.6% of IAR are purchased from third-party organizations, and 59.3% are acquired in industrial production. The costs of purchasing IAR at the expense of own and external sources of financing are analyzed; it is noted that the largest amount of own funds (64.0% against 55.1% in the economy as a whole) is spent in the field of industrial production. Having regard to the scale of the markets, we analyze the best options for IAR protection in cases of various types of organizations. Examples of IAR protection options for large organizations with a substantial volume of output and for small innovative enterprises with a relatively low output rate are considered. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using protection for small companies through the introduction of a trade secret regime. We also carry out an analysis of the costs of research and development purchased from third-party organizations by industry. It is shown that the R&D markets significantly exceed the IAR markets. This also makes the sale of IAR through R&D more attractive than through the sale of licenses. In general, the thesis put forward in the previous article is confirmed. It says that a low activity of working with IAR is determined by economic factors.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)

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