On Approaches to the Formation of a Regional System of Scientific and Technical Expertise


Shepelev Gennady1,Ganieva Irina2,Martinyuk Gennady1


1. Research and Academic Centre «Kuzbass», Kemerovo, Russia

2. All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics named after A. A. Nikonov, Moscow, Russia


The general approaches to expertise in the evaluation of scientific and technical projects at the regional level are considered. The regulatory framework for the organization of expertise at the federal, sectoral and regional levels is considered. The normative and methodological documents on the organization of expertise in large organizations that perform large amounts of work on the examination of scientific and technical projects, the experience of organizing expert activities in such organizations are considered. The experience of organizing expert activities in a number of regions has been reviewed. The approaches to the organization of expertise of scientific and technical projects at the regional level are formulated – the specifics of such expertise associated with a limited number of experts in the region, the breadth of the subject matter to be examined, and a relatively small total number of examinations, increasing the unit costs of organizing expert activities in the region, are considered. Approaches are proposed to ensure the high quality of expertise with limited resources for its organization: the appointment of one of the scientific organizations as the organizer of the examination, the creation and maintenance of a database of experts involved in the examination of regional projects, the development of methodological recommendations for the organization of expertise, taking into account regional specifics.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)


General Medicine

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