EXCESS workshop: Descriptions of rising low-energy spectra


Adari Prakruth1,Aguilar-Arevalo Alexis A.2,Amidei Dante3,Angloher G.4,Armengaud Eric5,Augier C.6,Balogh Levente7,Banik S.89,Baxter David10,Beaufort C.11,Beaulieu G.6,Belov V.12,Ben Gal Y.13,Benato Giovanni14,Benoît Alain15,Bento Antonio416,Bergé Laurent5,Bertolini Andrea4,Bhattacharyya R.17,Billard J.6,Bloch Itay M.13,Botti A.18,Breier Robert19,Bres G.11,Bret J-.L.11,Broniatowski A.5,Brossard Alexis7,Bucci Carlo14,Bunker Raymond20,Cababie M.1810,Calvo M.11,Camus P.11,Cancelo G.10,Canonica Lucia4,Cappella Fabio14,Cardani Laura14,Caron Jean-François7,Casali N.14,del Castello G.1421,Cazes Aurélie6,Cerulli Riccardo1422,Cervantes Vergara B.A.2,Chaize D.6,Chapellier M.75,Chaplinsky L.23,Charlieux F.6,Chaudhuri M.24,Chavarria Alvaro E.25,Chemin G.11,Chen Ran26,Chen Hao27,Chierchie F.2810,Colantoni I.2914,Colas J.5,Cooley Jodi30,Coquillat Jean-Marie7,Corcoran Emily31,Crawford S.7,Crisler Michael10,Cruciani Angelo14,Cushman Priscilla32,D'Addabbo Antonio14,D'Olivo Juan Carlos2,Dastgheibi-Fard A.11,De Jésus Maria6,Deng Y.33,Dent James34,Depaoli Eliana35,Dering Koby7,Dharani Sukeerthi3637,Di Lorenzo S.14,Drlica-Wagner Alex1038,Dumoulin Louis5,Durnford Daniel33,Dutta Bhaskar17,Einfalt L.89,Erb Anna9,Erhart A.9,Essig Rouven1,Estrada Juan10,Etzion Erez13,Exshaw O.11,Favela-Perez F.2,von Feilitzsch F.9,Fernandez Moroni Guillermo10,Ferreiro Iachellini Nahuel4,Ferriol S.6,Fichtinger S.7,Figueroa-Feliciano Enectalí26,Filippini J.-B.6,Filosofov Dmitry12,Formaggio Joseph A.39,Friedl Markus40,Fuard S.41,Fuchs Dominik4,Fuss Alexander89,Gaïor R.42,Garai Abhijit4,Garrah Carter33,Gascon J.6,Gerbier Gilles7,Ghaith Muad7,Ghete V. M.8,Gift Daniel1,Giomataris I.5,Giroux Guillaume7,Giuliani A.5,Gorel Pierre43744,Gorla Paolo14,Goupy C.5,Goupy J.11,Goy C.11,Gros M.5,Gros Philippe7,Guardincerri Yann10,Guerin C.6,Guidi Vincenzo4546,Guillaudin O.11,Gupta S.8,Guy E.6,Harrington Patrick39,Hauff D.4,Heine S. T.39,Hertel Scott A.23,Holland Stephen27,Hong Z.47,Hoppe Eric W.20,Hossbach Todd W.20,Ianigro J.-C.6,Iyer Vivek24,Jastram Andrew17,Ješkovský Miroslav19,Jin Y.5,Jochum Josef48,Johnston J. P.39,Juillard A.6,Karaivanov Dimitar12,Kashyap V.24,Katsioulas Ioannis49,Kazarcev S.12,Kaznacheeva Margarita50,Kelly Fiona31,Kilminster B.51,Kinast Angelina50,Klinkenberg L.50,Kluck Holger8,Knights Patrick49,Korn Yaron13,Kraus Hans52,von Krosigk Belina3637,Kubik Andrew44,Kurinsky Noah53,Lamblin Jacob11,Langenkämper Alexander50,Langrock S.43744,Lasserre Thierry545,Lattaud H.6,Lautridou P.55,Lawson Ian44,Lee S.-J.51,Lee M.17,Letessier-Selvon Antoine42,Lhuillier D.5,Li M.39,Lin Y.-T.17,Lubashevskiy Alexey12,Mahaparta Rupak17,Maludze Sandro17,Mancuso Michele4,Manthos Ioannis49,Marini Laura14,Marnieros S.5,Martin Ryan D.7,Matalon Ariel4238,Matthews J.49,Mauri B.5,Mayer D. W.39,Mazzolari Andrea45,Mazzucato E.5,Meyer zu Theenhausen Hanno3637,Michielin E.5657,Minet J.11,Mirabolfathi Nader17,v. Mirbach K.50,Misiak Dimitri6,Mitra P.25,Mocellin J.-L.11,Mohanty Bedangadas24,Mokina Valentyna8,Mols J.-P.5,Monfardini Alessandro11,Mounier F.6,Munagavalasa Sravan38,Muraz Jean-François11,Navick X.-F.5,Neep Thomas49,Neog Himangshu32,Neyrial H.5,Nikolopoulos Kostas49,Nilima Athoy4,Nones C.5,Novati Valentina26,O'Brien Paul33,Oberauer L.50,Olivieri E.5,Olmi Alessandro14,Onillon A.5,Oriol C.5,Orly A.13,Orrell John L.20,Ortmann T.50,Overman C. T.20,Pagliarone Carmine Elvezio1458,Palušová Veronika19,Pari P.5,Patel P. K.23,Pattavina Luca50,Petricca Federica4,Piers Alexander25,Pinckney Harold D.23,Piro Marie-Cécile33,Platt Mark17,Poda D.5,Ponomarev Dmitry12,Potzel Walter50,Povinec Pavel19,Pröbst F.4,Privitera P.42,Pucci F.4,Ramanathan K.5938,Real J.-S.11,Redon T.5,Reindl Florian89,Ren R.26,Robert Adeline41,Da Rocha Julia42,Rodrigues D.10,Rogly R.5,Rothe Johannes50,Rowe Noah7,Rozov Sergey12,Rozova I.12,Saab Tarek60,Saffold Nathan10,Salagnac T.6,Sander Joel61,Sanglard Veronique6,Santos D.11,Sarkis Youssef2,Savu V.5,Savvidis G.7,Savvidis I.62,Schönert S.50,Schäffner Karoline4,Schermer Nicole50,Schieck Jochen89,Schmidt Benjamin26,Schmiedmayer D.89,Schwertner C.89,Scola L.5,Settimo Mariangela55,Shevchik Ye.12,Sibille Valérian39,Sidelnik Ivan63,Singal Aman1,Smida Radomir38,Sofo Haro Miguel6310,Soldner Torsten41,Stachurska Juliana39,Stahlberg Martin4,Stefanazzi Leandro10,Stodolsky Leo4,Strandhagen Christian48,Strauss R.50,Stutz A.11,Thomas R.38,Thompson A.17,Tiffenberg Javier10,Tomei Claudia14,Traina M.42,Uemura Sho1310,Usherov I.48,Vagneron L.6,Van De Pontseele Wouter39,Vázquez de Sola Fernández Francisco Andrés55,Vidal M.7,Vignati M.1422,Virto A. L.64,Vivier M.5,Volansky Tomer13,Wagner V.50,Wagner Felix8,Walker Joel34,Ward R.49,Watkins Samuel L.65,Wex A.50,Willers Michael50,Wilson M. J.36,Winslow Lindley39,Yakushev Evgeny12,Yu T.-T.66,Zampaolo M.11,Zaytsev Alexander37,Zema Vanessa4,Zinatulina Daniya12,Zolotarova A.5


1. Stony Brook University

2. National Autonomous University of Mexico

3. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

4. Max Planck Institute for Physics

5. University of Paris-Saclay

6. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

7. Queen's University

8. Austrian Academy of Sciences

9. Vienna University of Technology

10. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

11. Grenoble Alpes University

12. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

13. Tel Aviv University

14. National Institute for Nuclear Physics

15. Institut Néel

16. University of Coimbra

17. Texas A&M University

18. University of Buenos Aires

19. Comenius University Bratislava

20. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

21. Sapienza University of Rome

22. University of Rome Tor Vergata

23. University of Massachusetts Amherst

24. National Institute of Science Education and Research

25. University of Washington

26. Northwestern University

27. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

28. Universidad Nacional del Sur

29. Istituto di Nanotecnologia

30. Southern Methodist University

31. Royal Military College of Canada

32. University of Minnesota

33. University of Alberta

34. Sam Houston State University

35. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica

36. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

37. University of Hamburg

38. University of Chicago

39. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

40. Austrian Academic Library Consortium

41. Institut Laue-Langevin

42. Sorbonne University

43. Laurentian University


45. INFN Sezione di Ferrara

46. University of Ferrara

47. University of Toronto

48. University of Tübingen

49. University of Birmingham

50. Technical University of Munich

51. University of Zurich

52. University of Oxford

53. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

54. University of Paris

55. University of Nantes


57. University of British Columbia

58. University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

59. California Institute of Technology

60. University of Florida

61. University of South Dakota

62. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

63. Bariloche Atomic Centre

64. University of Cantabria

65. University of California, Berkeley

66. University of Oregon


Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individual observations. For this, the EXCESS Workshop was initiated. In its first iteration in June 2021, ten rare event search collaborations contributed to this initiative via talks and discussions. The contributing collaborations were CONNIE, CRESST, DAMIC, EDELWEISS, MINER, NEWS-G, NUCLEUS, RICOCHET, SENSEI and SuperCDMS. They presented data about their observed energy spectra and known backgrounds together with details about the respective measurements. In this paper, we summarize the presented information and give a comprehensive overview of the similarities and differences between the distinct measurements. The provided data is furthermore publicly available on the workshop's data repository together with a plotting tool for visualization.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Austrian Science Fund

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

European Research Council

Horizon 2020

Israeli Centers for Research Excellence

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

National Science Foundation

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Science and Technology Facilities Council

Simons Foundation

United States Department of Energy

Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft


Stichting SciPost

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3. Rare event searches with cryogenic detectors;Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences;2023-12-18

4. Detection and Calibration of Low-Energy Nuclear Recoils for Dark Matter and Neutrino Scattering Experiments;Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science;2023-09-25

5. Tagging and localization of ionizing events using NbSi transition edge phonon sensors for dark matter searches;Physical Review D;2023-07-25








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