Patterns of symmetry breaking induced by potentials at the boundary
of free O(N)O(N)-models
in d=3- \epsilond=3−ϵ
dimensions are studied. We show that the spontaneous symmetry breaking
in these theories leads to a boundary RG flow ending with
N - 1N−1
Neumann modes in the IR. The possibility of fluctuation-induced symmetry
breaking is examined and we derive a general formula for computing
one-loop effective potentials at the boundary. Using the
we test these ideas in an O(N)\oplus O(N)O(N)⊕O(N)-model
with boundary interactions. We determine the RG flow diagram of this
theory and find that it has an IR-stable critical point satisfying
conformal boundary conditions. The leading correction to the effective
potential is computed and we argue the existence of a phase boundary
separating the region flowing to the symmetric fixed point from the
region flowing to a symmetry-broken phase with a combination of Neumann
and Dirchlet boundary conditions.
European Research Council
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
4 articles.