The article is dedicated to exploring the network that governs the journey of wine from vineyard to consumer. This study delves into the core principles underlying the wine distribution system, highlighting its complexities and the key factors that shape its formation. The distribution system serves as a vital link between producers and consumers, encompassing various stages such as production, logistics, marketing, and sales. The article begins by examining the international wine market and changes in its main indicators, determines which factors affect the distribution system and defines the peculiarities and problems of the functioning system of wine distribution in Ukraine during the russsia invasion. This research article explores the key components of the wine distribution system, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities at each stage. Moreover, this study examines how distribution channels are established and highlights the key characteristics of the wine distribution system in various countries around the world, including Ukraine. Highlights the importance of studying the factors that influence the wine distribution system, emphasizing its multifaceted impact on market efficiency, consumer satisfaction, regulatory compliance, and sustainability. The goal is to investigate various approaches to the formation of the wine distribution system and the activities of its subjects in various world markets and in Ukraine in a global, changing environment. The research was conducted using the following methods: systematic analysis of global reports and specialized publications and monographs; analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction; classification and analytical; graphic; analysis of recent research and publications. The information base consists of articles, reports that contain information about wine distribution systems, as well as their features of functioning.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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