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The article is devoted to topical issues defining managerial activity psychology and its current trends. Of course, the main place among various problems in the theory and practice of management is the complex issues related to the maintenance of management activities. The solution to all other management problems largely depends on a correct, complete understanding of the essence and content of management activities. The modern psychology of managerial activity represents managing people's information and technological processes. It covers all actions and conditions that give rise to technical-organizational, industrial, psychological-pedagogical, social-psychological, and other people connections. Management psychology is one of the most complex areas of human activity, in which personified relationships between people united by the labor process are revealed. Management activity is a set of coordinated actions and measures to achieve a specific goal within any firm, company, organization, or enterprise. The forms of managerial activity, namely legal, organizational, and organizational-legal, were analyzed and systematized. The world experience of using the psychology of managerial activity has been studied. It has been proven that management based on leadership principles involves considering specific laws to ensure effective implementation. The primary modern laws that improve awareness of the specifics of a certain type of management are highlighted. Today, effective management psychology is impossible without knowledge and use of social and psychological laws, as it is related to human interaction.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)

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