Formation of natural science competency concept based on PISA international research


Makieiev SerhiiORCID,


The article presents an analysis of conceptual apparatus formation of science competency and a role in this process of PISA international study of education quality. The components and aspects of science competency are considered, presented in educational documents of the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It is revealed that recommendations of the European Council and reference frameworks of the European Commission “Key competences for lifelong learning” distinguish such components of science competency as knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is noted that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development framework documents for PISA international study of education quality formulates an equivalent concept of “science literacy”, consisting of a number of aspects – contexts, competencies, knowledge and attitudes. Changes in determination of science literacy in PISA study for the period 2000–2022 and characteristics of its aspects are analyzed. Significant attention is paid to specifics of PISA terminology, its complexity and versatility. Ukrainian definitions of science competency in national normative educational documents and concepts are investigated. It is determined that they are largely focused on foreign recommendations and framework documents of international research, and also distinguish certain components of competency – basic knowledge, skills and attitudes. The author emphasized the need to further borrowing by national education system of world experience in the field of competency approach implementation, in connection with transition of basic school to study by new educational standards on competent basis.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University


General Medicine

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