The problem of applying the scrum approach in the management system of the information activity of the enterprise is considered. The role of information support in the enterprise management system is analyzed. It was determined that the success of the implementation of the mission, goals, tasks of the operation, the efficiency of the development of enterprises depends significantly on the level of awareness of its management system, timeliness, completeness of obtaining information about current, perspective processes of the internal and, most importantly, external environment, as well as the adequacy of the interpretation of the levels of their influence on the vital activities of enterprises. Significant changes observed in recent years in economic conditions, approaches, methods, and management systems have been studied. They contribute to the solution of problems related to ensuring as a current activity, the long-term stable development of enterprises. The main properties of modern information systems of enterprises are highlighted. The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness (effect) of the use of information systems for enterprises are analyzed. The potential opportunities and advantages of using the scrum approach in the information management systems of enterprises are studied. The members of the scrum team in the organizational structure of the management of information activities of the enterprise, their functional responsibilities are characterized. A conceptual model of the formation and development of enterprise information systems based on the Scrum approach has been developed. The main advantages of using the Scrum approach in the information management system of the enterprise are analyzed. Prospects of using modern information technologies for enterprise management are studied. Their practical application will make any enterprise more competitive by increasing the level of its manageability, faster adaptation to market dynamics, etc. It is substantiated that the appropriate level of information activity of the enterprise, the management process will increase the level of stability, to respond in time to the dynamism of the external environment.
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
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