The aim of the research: correlation levels of the psychological component of quality of life and medical-epidemiological characteristics of patients with fractures of the proximal thigh. Solved problem: to determine the possibility of predicting the impact of medical-epidemiological and anamnestic characteristics of patients with fractures of the proximal thigh on their quality of life after treatment of fractures of the proximal thigh. Main scientific results: natural increase in comorbidity in the presence of comorbidities, low functional status and an increase in age characteristics were established. The probable influence of comorbidity on the decrease of the functional state according to the ASA classification also stated. An increase in the duration of treatment of patients with surgical treatment and a longer period of injury marked. The decrease in the quality of life of patients with increasing age characteristics, increasing comorbidity and reducing the indicators of functional status according to the ASA classification have been established. Area of practical use of research results: medical institutions of traumatological profile. Innovative technological product: determining the ability to predict the quality of life of patients after treatment of fractures of the proximal thigh, which allows you to predict the results of treatment such patients. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: clinical medical traumatological practice of use of possibilities of forecasting of results of treatment of fractures of proximal hip department.
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