The aim of this paper is to design an intervention strategy to enhance Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) entrepreneurship education (EE) lecturers’ knowledge of content and teaching. The objective of the study involved unpacking the literature regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge or knowledge of content and teaching (KCT). The study adopted a critical emancipatory research (CER) paradigm, in which the criteria for quality were determined by advancing an agenda for equity, social justice, freedom, peace, and hope. A participatory action research (PAR) approach was chosen as an appropriate methodology because it provides for collaborative research, in which all participants contribute to the design of the framework. Regarding this study, it thus necessitated teamwork involving the teaching of entrepreneurship, which consisted of the lecturers, a parent representative, a head of department, two students, and a local entrepreneur. The data was generated and collected by means of discussions/formal meetings with team members. The data was analysed using van Djik critical discourse analysis (CDA). The findings reveal that Technical Vocational Education and Training college lecturers possessed poor knowledge of content and teaching. Therefore, there is a need for proactive intervention to improve the teaching of entrepreneurship.
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