Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Epithelial Cell Model Reveals Multiple Basolateral Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Sorting Pathways


Ryan Sean1,Verghese Susamma2,Cianciola Nicholas L.1,Cotton Calvin U.23,Carlin Cathleen R.124


1. Departments of *Molecular Biology and Microbiology,

2. Physiology and Biophysics,

3. Pediatrics, and

4. Case Western Reserve University Comprehensive Cancer Center, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-4970


Sorting and maintenance of the EGF receptor on the basolateral surface of renal epithelial cells is perturbed in polycystic kidney disease and apical expression of receptors contributes to severity of disease. The goal of these studies was to understand the molecular basis for EGF receptor missorting using a well-established mouse model for the autosomal recessive form of the disease. We have discovered that multiple basolateral pathways mediate EGF receptor sorting in renal epithelial cells. The polycystic kidney disease allele in this model, Bicc1, interferes with one specific EGF receptor pathway without affecting overall cell polarity. Furthermore one of the pathways is regulated by a latent basolateral sorting signal that restores EGF receptor polarity in cystic renal epithelial cells via passage through a Rab11-positive subapical compartment. These studies give new insights to possible therapies to reconstitute EGF receptor polarity and function in order to curb disease progression. They also indicate for the first time that the Bicc1 gene that is defective in the mouse model used in these studies regulates cargo-specific protein sorting mediated by the epithelial cell specific clathrin adaptor AP-1B.


American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology







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