Preparedness Dynamics of Pupils of Lyceum with Enhanced Military and Physical Training Under the Influence of the Wrestling Means Use


Balushka LyudmylaORCID,Khimenes KhrystynaORCID,Okopnyy AndriyORCID,Pityn MaryanORCID,Sogor OlehORCID,Tkach YuliaORCID


Modern physical education in secondary schools is undergoing reform. It is increasingly suggested to introduce the means of different sports to optimize physical education in the educational process. In particular, it is advisable today to include combative sports to the programs of physical culture of military-physical institutions. The purpose of the study: to substantiate the use of wrestling means in the physical education process of students of the Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of studying the functional and physical fitness indicators of 10th grade pupils of the Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training during the pedagogical experiment. It consisted in studying the impact of multidirectional wrestling means on the level of these sides of student preparedness during the year. Results. In pupils who during the year performed the loads according to the experimental physical culture program during the first semester, the total average increase relative to baseline was 10.7%. In addition, during the second – 5.7%. While members of a group that worked according to a traditional physical culture program in the first semester increased the results of the tests by 6.1% and by 2.0% during the second semester. In the physical fitness of EG students, the total increase of indicators for the first semester was 31.6% and 24.5%  – during the second. In contrast, the changes in the studied CG were relatively less pronounced: 24.7% – for the first and 8.9% – for the second semester.  Conclusions. The effectiveness of the use of wrestling means in the physical education of pupils of the Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training is substantiated, which contributes to a significantly more pronounced increase in functional and physical fitness indicators of pupils compared to the traditional program of physical culture.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Health (social science)

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