
Roshchin V. A.,Ivanov S. D.,Mikhalchik N. L.


IntroductionThe mathematical self-adjustment model of the safety device for bridge cranes, which is developed by the authors as the limiter of loading capacity of broad application (OGSh) for the purpose of time reduction for device setup and of other material and labor inputs for requirements implementation of the Federal Norms and Rules (FNP) on protection of bridge cranes against overload, is described in the article.Materials and methodsMass and dynamic characteristics of the crane (the specified mass of the drive, the inertia moment, rigidity of a pendant, response time and etc.); various stages of the loads lifting, on which absolutely various dynamic loadings impact and which are described by the systems of the differential equations with various entry and regional conditions, were proved in the research. Numerical methods for the solution of the differential equations systems with the usage of experimental data were also applied.Results. Assumptions and regional conditions in settlement model of self-adjustment of the OGSh device for practical application in development and designing of this type of devices are used and proved. Moreover, the settlement algorithm is realized and the OGSh device is programmed according to such settlement algorithm. Natural experiments and tests with the OGSh device on the developed self-adjustment algorithm are made.Thus, the results of experiments have confirmed the possibility of the algorithm application of selfadjustment model as the limiter of the OGSh loading capacity for obtaining work parameters and implementation of FNP requirements, which are necessary for such crane during the operation.Discussion and conclusionThe algorithm of the self-adjustment model of the safety device (SD) as the limiter of loading capacity provides the implementation of the FNP requirements, the reduction of time of the device setup, bigger convenience and simplicity of SD control on the OGSh; decrease in dynamic loads of the drive. Therefore, such algorithm would be recommended for application in all new SD of the OGSh made by ITTs KROS for bridge cranes.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)

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1. Configuring the algorithm of the load limiter with intermediate threshold;E3S Web of Conferences;2024

2. Experimental and theoretical determination of the load cell polling frequency to protect the crane hoisting mechanism from overloads;PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND STUDENTS “TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING” ToPME 2021: Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN);2023

3. Drive electrical parameters applicability evaluation to determine loads on bridge crane lifting mechanism;The Russian Automobile and Highway Industry Journal;2022-03-17







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