1. Baumen Moscow State Technical University
Introduction. The problem of existing recorders of crane operation parameters in the direction of determining the intensity of work of mechanisms is revealed. The necessity of increasing the number of information sources is determined. Application of current parameters of the electric motor as a source of primary information is suggested.Materials and methods. The characteristics of the experimental setup are presented. The validity of information sources has been evaluated on the lifting mechanism. Formulas for determining the error of calculating the stator current and active power parameters and for determining the coefficient of proportionality of the load on the drive and the information parameter are given.Results. Tables and graphs of calculated mechanism load in terms of stator current and active power over the whole range of operating loads are presented. The dependence of accuracy of load determination on changes of supply mains voltage has been investigated.Conclusions. As information source of the load on the crane hoisting mechanism it is recommended to apply an active drive power. The given parameter has shown the big stability to voltage changes in comparison with a current of stator. It was possible to reach accuracy of definition of a load of 2,6 % at requirement of 3 %.
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)
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2 articles.