Use of weight measurement algorithm on the basis of moving average filter in the recorder of overhead crane operation parameters


Nazarov A. N.1ORCID,Ivanov S. D.1ORCID


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Introduction. The problem of primary information low quality of crane operation parameters recorders is analyzed. The accepted direction to improve the quality of information about the mass of the cargo is to improve the algorithm of weight measurement. Shortcomings of algorithms of serially produced parameter recorders are described. The design of the algorithm based on the moving average filter is proposed.Materials and Methods. The principle of operation of the proposed weight measurement algorithm is described. The algorithm consists of preliminary (determination of the dynamic process section suitable for weight measurement, calculation of the smoothing window length) and main stages (application of filter, calculation of mass and measurement error). Two methods for determining the length of the smoothing window are given. The parameters of the overhead crane, load cell and motor speed sensor used in the experimental part are given.Results. Graphs of lifting mechanism force and motor rotation speed at the moment of weight measurement are given. The work of the steady-state motion control function is shown. The results of algorithm operation at fixed measurement accuracy of 3% with determination of algorithm operation time and fixed algorithm operation time of 10 seconds with determination of measurement accuracy are given.Discussion. The time of weight measurement with the accuracy required for parameter recorders was 2...5 seconds. Increase in speed of weight measurement is achieved due to adjustable parameters of the algorithm at each switching on of the lifting mechanism. For cranes with duration of lifting time continuously more than 10 seconds the algorithm allows to calculate the mass of the load with an accuracy of 1%. This ensures the accuracy of the crane intensity indicators with an accuracy of 3%.Conclusion. Evaluation of accuracy and time parameters showed the applicability of the developed algorithm of weight measurement in the task of determining the mass of the load to recorders of crane operation parameters. The advantage of the developed algorithm is the guaranteed accuracy of weight measurement. The algorithm of weight measurement allows to adapt the parameter recorder to the technological process of crane operation and effectively use the areas of the dynamic process suitable for measurement.


Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)


General Medicine

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