1. State University of Shirak
The article provides a brief overview of critical reading and higher level
thinking skills at an advanced stage of education.
In modern society, even in everyday life people frequently deal with
complicated public and political issues, make decisions, and solve problems. At
the university stage lecturers are likely to enhance students’ skills and abilities
of evaluating critically about what they see, hear or read thus making the
learning process more effective. In addition in the age of “information
explosion” students do not always feel confident. As a rule, this comes from
accumulated information, which leads to misunderstanding of the text
material and underestimation of situations. Thus, the educational material
should be selected so that it arouses students’ interests and contribute to
developing skills and abilities of critical thinking.
In this sphere, the role of the teacher is decisive. When compiling
educational programs for the university, it is necessary to take into account all
possible tasks for the formation of critical reading and thinking skills.
"M. Nalbandyan State University of Shirak" Foundation
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