Purification and translation of murine mammary tumor virus mRNA's


Dudley J P,Varmus H E


We have studied the functions of the intracellular RNAs of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) by purification and translation in vitro. Two major size classes of MMTV RNA, 35S and 24S RNA, were isolated from MMTV-infected rat (XC) cells and cultured mammary tumor cells by preparative hybridization of whole cell or polyadenylated RNA to cloned MMTV DNA covalently bound to chemically activated paper disks (diazobenzyloxymethyl paper). Genomic-length (35S) RNA was prepared free of 24S RNA by rate zonal sedimentation in sucrose gradients. Experiments using [3H]uridine-labeled cellular RNA indicated that the preparative annealing method was highly specific and capable of effecting a 300-fold enrichment for viral RNA; the recovered RNA appeared to be intact under denaturing conditions and directed synthesis of full-length gag and env polypeptides in vitro. The products of in vitro translation were identified by gel mobility, immunoprecipitation tests with antisera against gag and env products, and partial digestion with Staphylococcus V8 protease. The 35S RNA species directed synthesis of several gag-related polypeptides, including three previously reported in extracts of infected cells; 24S RNA directed synthesis of two polypeptides closely related to env proteins from infected cells. Therefore, 35S RNA includes mRNA's for gag and gag-pol, whereas 24S RNA is the mRNA for env. These results help establish the position of env on the physical map of the MMTV genome and bear upon the coding potential of the genome.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology








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