Neutralization Profiles of Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Isolates in the Context of Coreceptor Usage


Cecilia D.1,KewalRamani Vineet N.1,O’Leary Jeanne2,Volsky Barbara1,Nyambi Phillipe1,Burda Sherri1,Xu Serena1,Littman Dan R.13,Zolla-Pazner Susan12


1. New York University Medical Center,1

2. New York Veterans Affairs Medical Center,2 and

3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute,3 New York, New York


ABSTRACT Most strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) which have only been carried in vitro in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (primary isolates) can be neutralized by antibodies, but their sensitivity to neutralization varies considerably. To study the parameters that contribute to the differential neutralization sensitivity of primary HIV-1 isolates, we developed a neutralization assay with a panel of genetically engineered cell lines (GHOST cells) that express CD4, one of eight chemokine receptors which function as HIV-1 coreceptors, and a Tat-dependent green fluorescent protein reporter cassette which permits the evaluation and quantitation of HIV-1 infection by flow cytometry. All 21 primary isolates from several clades could grow in the various GHOST cell lines, and their use of one or more coreceptors could easily be defined by flow cytometric analysis. Ten of these primary isolates, three that were CXCR4 (X4)-tropic, three that were CCR5 (R5)-tropic, and four that were dual- or polytropic were chosen for study of their sensitivity to neutralization by human monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Viruses from the X4-tropic category of viruses were first tested since they have generally been considered to be particularly neutralization sensitive. It was found that the X4-tropic virus group contained both neutralization-sensitive and neutralization-resistant viruses. Similar results were obtained with R5-tropic viruses and with dual- or polytropic viruses. Within each category of viruses, neutralization sensitivity and resistance could be observed. Therefore, sensitivity to neutralization appears to be the consequence of factors that influence the antibody-virus interaction and its sequelae rather than coreceptor usage. Neutralization of various viruses by the V3-specific monoclonal antibody, 447-52D, was shown to be dependent not only on the presence of the relevant epitope but also on its presentation. An epitope within the envelope of a particular virus is not sufficient to render a virus sensitive to neutralization by an antibody that recognizes that epitope. Moreover, conformation-dependent factors may overcome the need for absolute fidelity in the match between an antibody and its core epitope, permitting sufficient affinity between the viral envelope protein and the antibody to neutralize the virus. The studies indicate that the neutralization sensitivity of HIV-1 primary isolates is a consequence of the complex interaction between virus, antibody, and target cell.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology







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