1. ARONSON A. I. E. T. BOLTON R. J. BRITTEN D. B. COWIE J. D. DUERKSEN B. J. MCCARTHY K. MCQUILLEN AND R. B. ROBERTS. 1960. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 59: 229-279.
2. BOLTON E. T. R. J. BRITTEN D. B. COWIE E. H. CREASER AND R. B. ROBERTS. 1956. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 55:110-148.
3. BOLTON E. T. R. J. BRITTEN D. B. CoWIE J. J. LEAHY F. T. MCCLURE AND R. B. ROBERTS. 1957. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 56:118-142.
4. BOLTON E. T. R. J. BRITTEN D. B. CowIE AND R. B. ROBERTS. 1958. Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook 57:127-162.
5. BRITTEN R. J. AND F. T. MCCLURE. 1959. The osmotic properties of the metabolic pool of E. coli. Proc. First National Biophysics Conference p. 414-423. Yale University Press New Haven Conn.