Induction of cellulolytic enzymes in Trichoderma reesei by sophorose


Sternberg D,Mandels G R


Sophorose (2-O-beta-glucopyranosyl-D-glucose) induces carboxymethyl cellulase in Trichoderma reesei QM6a mycelium with 1.5 to 2 h. The induction response to sophorose concentration, although complicated by the metabolism of sophorose, shows saturation kinetics. Most of the cellulase appears after most of the sophorose has been taken up, but the presence of an inducer is required to maintain cellulase synthesis because enzyme production ceases after separation of the mycelium from the induction medium. Cellulase appears simultaneously in the medium and in the mycelium, and no appreciable levels accumulate in the mycelium. Response to pH suggest either that synthesis and secretion of the enzyme are closely associated or concurrent events affected by surface interactions with the medium. Effects of temperature and pH on cellulase induction by sophorose are similar to those reported for induction by cellulose. The kinetics of absorption by mycelium differs from that of other beta-linked saccharides and glucose, the uptake of sophorose being much slower. Under our cultural conditions, sophorose appears to induce an incomplete array of cellulase enzymes, as indicated by enzymatic and electrophoretic studies.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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