Properties of R1162, a broad-host-range, high-copy-number plasmid


Meyer R,Hinds M,Brasch M


Regions of plasmid DNA encoding characteristic properties of the IncQ (P-4) group plasmid R1162 were identified by mutagenesis and in vitro cloning. Coding sequences sufficient for expression of incompatibility and efficient conjugal mobilization by plasmid R751 were found to be linked to the origin of DNA replication. In contrast, there was a region remote from the origin, and active in trans, that was required for plasmid maintenance. A derivative that was temperature sensitive for stability was isolated. The defect mapped at or near the region required for plasmid maintenance and resulted in far fewer copies of supercoiled plasmid DNA per cell under permissive conditions. A second region required for stability was also identified from the behavior of a deletion derivative of R1162, which did not, however, show an altered number of supercoiled plasmid DNA copies. Finally, a plasmid DNA mutation resulting in a substantially higher copy number was isolated. Plasmid reconstruction experiments suggested that the mutation was linked to the replicative origin.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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