Age-dependent poliomyelitis of mice: expression of endogenous retrovirus correlates with cytocidal replication of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus in motor neurons


Contag C H1,Plagemann P G1


1. Department of Microbiology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis 55455-0312.


The widespread presence of endogenous retroviruses in the genomes of animals and humans has suggested that these viruses may be involved in both normal and abnormal developmental processes. Previous studies have indicated the involvement of endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) in the development of age-dependent poliomyelitis caused by infection of old C58 or AKR mice by lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV). The only genetic components which segregate with susceptibility to LDV-induced paralytic disease are multiple proviral copies of ecotropic MuLV and the permissive allele, at the Fv-1 locus, for N-tropic, ecotropic virus replication (Fv-1n/n). Using in situ hybridization and Northern (RNA) blot hybridization, we have correlated the expression of the endogenous MuLV, both temporally and spatially, with LDV infection of anterior horn motor neurons and the development of paralysis. Our data indicate that treatment of 6- to 7-month-old C58/M mice with cyclophosphamide, which renders these mice susceptible to LDV-induced paralytic disease, results in transient increases in ecotropic MuLV RNA levels in motor neurons throughout the spinal cord. Peripheral inoculation of C58/M mice with LDV, at the time of elevated MuLV RNA levels, results in a rapid spread of LDV to some spinal cord motor neurons. LDV infections then spread slowly but progressively throughout the spinal cord, involving an increasing number of motor neurons. LDV replication is cytocidal and results in neuron destruction and paralysis of the infected animals 2 to 3 weeks postinfection. The slow replication of LDV in the spinal cord contrasts sharply with the rapid replication of LDV in macrophages, the normal host cells for LDV, during the acute phase of infection. The data indicate that the interaction between the endogenous MuLV with the generally nonpathogenic murine togavirus LDV occurs at the level of the motor neuron. We discuss potential mechanisms for the novel dual-virus etiology of age-dependent poliomyelitis of mice.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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