Effect of Abrupt Temperature Shift on the Growth of Mesophilic and Psychrophilic Yeasts


Shaw Maxwell K.1


1. Division of Food Preservation, C.S.I.R.O., Cannon Hill, Queensland, Australia


Exponentially growing cultures of mesophilic and psychrophilic yeasts were subjected to abrupt changes in temperature. Temperature shifts made within the range in which the temperature characteristic, μ, is relatively constant (moderate temperatures) immediately induced growth at the normal exponential rate for the new temperature. Prior incubation at temperatures defined as moderate enabled some yeasts to grow for a few generations at temperatures higher than their normal maximal temperature for growth. Shifts made to or from temperatures above or below those in the moderate temperature range resulted in growth rates that were intermediate between the normal steady-state rates for the initial and final temperatures. A period of transient growth rate at the new temperature outside the moderate temperature range seems to be required before normal steady-state growth rates can be attained after such temperature shifts. The psychrophiles gave transient growth rates only below 10 C, whereas the mesophiles gave transient rates below 20 C. However, the psychrophiles cannot be distinguished from the mesophiles on the basis of the temperature characteristic, μ, which was found to be about 12,000 cal/mole for both types.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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