Immunological and biological characterization of Coxiella burnetii, phases I and II, separated from host components


Williams J C,Peacock M G,McCaul T F


Coxiella burnetii, phase I and II, cells cultivated in the yolk sac of chicken embryos were separated from host cell components by two cycles of isopycnic Renografin gradient centrifugation. Initial steps in the purification of viable C. burnetii involved differential centrifugation and sedimentation through an aqueous solution of 30% sucrose and 7.6% Renografin. After the first, but not the second, cycle of Renografin gradient centrifugation, the cells were passed through microfilter glass filters which facilitated the removal of host components. The integrity of morphologically different cell variants was maintained during purification procedures by suspending highly purified C. burnetii in phosphate-buffered saline-sucrose solutions. C. burnetii, phases I and II, obtained by these methods appeared to be free from host cell components by serological methods while retaining morphological integrity and infectivity for yolk sacs and experimental animals. Average yields of C. burnetii were 2.83, 1.5, and 0.84 mg (dry weight) per yolk sac of the Ohio strain (phase I), 9 Mile strain (phase I), and 9 Mile strain (phase II), respectively. Recovery of phase I cells averaged about 70%, whereas the recovery of phage II cells was approximately 40%. The temporal sequence of phase I and II antibody response was demonstrated in infected and vaccinated animals. Also, no antibody response in mice and guinea pigs to yolk sac antigens was detectable after two injections of vaccine or viable cells. Importantly, this is the first report of the separation of viable phase II cells of C. burnetii free of host components.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Microbiology,Parasitology

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